Factors of the Promotion of Power Generation from Solar Rooftop in Thailand


  • supawadee nusin School of Environmental Development Administration, National Institute of Development Administration
  • Wisakha Phoochinda School of Environmental Development Administration, National Institute of Development Administration
  • Sompote Kunnoot School of Environmental Development Administration, National Institute of Development Administration


Solar Rooftop, Delphi, Factors affecting, electricity generation, renewable energy


The objective of this research is to study the factors that promote the production of rooftop solar power in Thailand, that in case of selling electricity to the Provincial Electricity Authority and the Metropolitan Electricity Authority by qualitative research with the Delphi technique, that collects opinions from 19 experts and analyses data according to the framework of CIPP-I Model and found that there were contextual factors such as urban expansion, electricity demand, electricity price, objection to new power plant and  technology advancement, clarity of government policies, the rules that not complicated. There were inputs such as awareness, participation, assurance and equipment and installation standards. There were process aspects such as electrical stability control system, energy storage system, smart grid system, to accommodate the fluctuation of electricity and systematic processing. There were results such as the expansion of renewable energy, increase the efficiency of energy production and reduce losses in the system. There were effects such as reducing the need for new power plants, stability, and energy diversity, increase employment and economic. The results of this research can be used as an information to make decisions about sustainable energy policy and planning.


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How to Cite

nusin, supawadee, Phoochinda , W. ., & Kunnoot, S. . (2022). Factors of the Promotion of Power Generation from Solar Rooftop in Thailand. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 14(2), 382–401. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bahcuojs/article/view/242671



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