Modelling the Influence of the Perceived Value on Trust and Customer Loyalty of Chinese Perspective in Boutique Hotel


  • Nimit Soonsan Faculty of Management Science, Phuket Rajabhat University


Perceived value, Trust, Loyalty, Boutique hotel


This study aims to propose relationship between perceived value, trust and satisfaction in predicting customer loyalty. Quantitative method was used in this study, and 400 customers were conducted by questionnaire with quota sampling at boutique hotels in Phuket. A data was tested by structural equation modeling statistic. The result showed that perceived value had directly affected on trust. Moreover, it had indirectly affected on customer loyalty mediated by trust. In addition, trust had directly affected on customer loyalty. These results could help marketers to develop perceived value and enhance customers’ perception of trust. On the other hand, the marketers could create the great guideline to attract customer loyalty.


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How to Cite

Soonsan, N. (2022). Modelling the Influence of the Perceived Value on Trust and Customer Loyalty of Chinese Perspective in Boutique Hotel. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 14(2), 209–224. retrieved from



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