Analysis of Financial Structure and Performance of Higher Education Savings Cooperatives in Bangkok


  • Kanyakorn Srivichai Faculty of Economics, Kasetsart University
  • Pimgun Saengpoda Faculty of Economics, Kasetsart University
  • Praewa Boonyathikarn Faculty of Economics, Kasetsart University
  • Sasipa Pojanavatee Faculty of Economics, Kasetsart University


Financial Structure, Performance, Higher Education Savings Cooperatives


The objective of the study is to empirically examine the financial structure and performance of the 12 higher education savings cooperatives in Bangkok for the period from 2010 to 2018. The study considered return on assets as a proxy for the performance of the cooperatives using the generalized least squares approach. The results indicate that size and debt to equity ratio have a significant negative relationship with cooperative performance. The results of the study show that leverage ratio has a significant positive effect on cooperative performance. However, the effect of liquidity ratio of the cooperative is not reflected in the performance of the cooperative.


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How to Cite

Srivichai, K., Saengpoda, P. ., Boonyathikarn , P. ., & Pojanavatee, S. . (2022). Analysis of Financial Structure and Performance of Higher Education Savings Cooperatives in Bangkok. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 14(2), 281–293. Retrieved from



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