Tourism Supply Chain Management Collaboration Model of the Secondary City Tourism Industry on the Eastern Economic Corridor Towards Cooperation in the CLMV Group Countries (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam)


  • Thongtham Jiangsataporn Department of Logistics and Supply Chain Management, College of Logistics and Supply Chain,Sripatum University


Tourism Supply Chain Management, Chanthaburi Province, Trat Province, CLMV group countries


This paper aims to 1) Synthesize the context of the tourism supply chain management cooperation model of the secondary city tourism industry on the Eastern Economic Corridor towards cooperation in CLMV countries 2) Study the components that effect to tourism supply chain management cooperation of the secondary city tourism industry on the Eastern Economic Corridor towards cooperation in the CLMV countries 3) Analyzing the elements that affirmative of tourism supply chain management cooperation of the secondary city tourism industry on the Eastern Economic Corridor towards cooperation in the CLMV countries. The study explored by mixed methods research (qualitative and quantitative) which the researching tools include Indepth interview, focus group and questionnaire. Based on 264 establishments under multistage sampling and it using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). In statistical analysis had found that the tourism supply chain management collaboration model of the secondary city tourism industry on the Eastern Economic Corridor towards cooperation have significant component such as 1) Joint team 2) Dedicated Investment 3) Collaborative Communication 4) Risk Sharing 5) Shared Resources and 6) Synchronized Decision.


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How to Cite

Jiangsataporn, T. (2022). Tourism Supply Chain Management Collaboration Model of the Secondary City Tourism Industry on the Eastern Economic Corridor Towards Cooperation in the CLMV Group Countries (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam). Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 14(2), 189–208. retrieved from



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