Management Process Model and Performance of Government Organizations Affecting to Development of Labor Workforce the Elderly Rice Farmers in Phitsanulok Province


  • Kanjana Tawinunt Faculty of Business Administration and Liberal Arts Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Phitsanulok
  • Montri Thammapattanukul Faculty of Business Administration and Liberal Arts Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Phitsanulok
  • Wawmayura Chamsuk College of Logistitics and Supply Chain, Suansunandha Rajabhat University


Management Process, Performance, Labor Workforce, Elderly, Rice Farmers


This research of purpose was to develop and check the consistency the relationship
structure, of the structural equation model of variables that effect to development of labor
workforce the elderly rice farmers in Phitsanulok Province. This study was the quantitative
research, The data was collected from 220 executives and supervisors and employees of
government organizations in Phitsanulok. The results of the study found that management
process and performance of government organizations effect to development of labor
workforce the elderly rice farmers in Phitsanulok province, by the management process has
influenced on development of labor workforce the elderly (Coef.) = .935, management
process has influenced on performance organizations (Coef.) = .579 and performance
organizations has influenced on development of labor workforce the elderly (Coef.) = .070.
According to the Goodness of Fit Measure, it was found the model fit at Chi-square = 2.252, df = 30, p-value = .068, CMIN/DF = 1.408, GFI = .968, CFI = .996, AGFI = .929,
NFI = .985 and RMSEA = .043 Which all variables were able to development of labor workforce
the elderly with 95.4 percent (R2 = 0.954)


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How to Cite

Tawinunt, K. ., Thammapattanukul, M. ., & Chamsuk, W. . (2024). Management Process Model and Performance of Government Organizations Affecting to Development of Labor Workforce the Elderly Rice Farmers in Phitsanulok Province. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 16(1), 47–64. Retrieved from



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