A Study of the Requirements of Thailand's Automotive Parts Industry for the Use of Technology Internet of Things
industry 4.0, Internet of Things, Automotive Parts Industry, AHPAbstract
The automotive industry is one of the main industries in Thailand that has been
continuously promoted by the government since the 2nd National Economic and Social
Development Plan. The commitment to improve competitiveness towards sustainability is of
great importance in keeping with the concept of Industry 4.0 development and future
technological changes. Accordingly, this exploratory research explores the factors that
influence the application of the Internet of Things embedded in the management of
automotive parts manufacturing, which consist of 5 main factors are Connectivity,
Telepresence, Intelligence, Security, and Value, and 15 sub-factors. The case study was the
comparative analysis of the importance of factors using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for
calculating the weighted importance of Internet of Things factors for the management of
automotive parts manufacturing. The questionnaire was answered by 88 respondents using
Snowball Sampling. The main factor of Telepresence was found to be the most important
and the second factor was Controlling. Next comes the Connectivity factor, the secondary
factor is Compatibility. The third major factor is Value, the second is Convenience. Analysis
results can guide a better decision-making process
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