Adaptation of Factory Operators 105 and 106 in Thailand for Solid Waste Management in the Situation of the Covid-19 Pandemic


  • Maliwan Sukraksa The Graduate School of Environmental Development Administration, National Institute of Development Administration
  • Tawadchai Suppadit The Graduate School of Environmental Development Administration, National Institute of Development Administration
  • Peerapon Jaderojananont The Graduate School of Environmental Development Administration, National Institute of Development Administration


Waste Sorting, Adaptation, Infection, Covid-19, Factory Operators 105 and 106


The study of adaptation of factory operators 105 and 106 in Thailand for solid waste management in the Covid-19 epidemic. The data from the Department of Pollution Control found that in the year 2021, there were 2.5 million tons of waste generated. It decreased by 1 percent from 2020. The reduced amount of waste is affected by the government policy that controls the entry-exit tourists to Thailand. The decrease in tourists has reduced the amount of waste. By sense, domestic solid waste should be reduced, in fact Working from Home policy causes the increasing of plastic waste from the higher number of consumptions during domestic lock-down In general, whether hazardous waste from the community, general waste, or infectious waste, all of these are major contributors to pollution and environmental problems.  Therefore, waste sorting is another method in the waste management process. This makes it easier for the amount of waste to be sorted and passed on to the correct disposal process.


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How to Cite

Sukraksa, M., Suppadit, T. . ., & Jaderojananont, P. . (2024). Adaptation of Factory Operators 105 and 106 in Thailand for Solid Waste Management in the Situation of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 16(1), 308–321. Retrieved from



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