How to Make the Classroom More Active: Techniques and Activities Tracks

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Sirajit Dejamonchai


The implementation of “active” learning is an increasingly important means in the second language and foreign language acquisition. As a French teacher at the university level, we are interested in knowing how to engage ourself in an active pedagogy. What class techniques could be adopted in order to make the classroom more active? What are the effective strategies that can motivate our learners to become “active” learners? Therefore, the research was carried out with 24 students of the second year in Français Intermédiaire I Course. In the context of that course, we used the various techniques for active learning, in particular vertical interactivity; in other words, the activities for interaction between learners. With regard to tasks, we resorted to the cooperative project which allows our learners to demonstrate their ability to solve problems, their creativity and their role within the group. The learners were led as well to formulate the linguistic and procedural reflections on the production of their work through their worksheets and a learning log. Regarding to the techniques of assessment, we opted for the collaborative review and for the self-correction. In their learning log, the students testified that they feel free and enthusiastic when handling their work. It appears also that the students preferred to work in groups because it allows enable them to share their experiences and exchange learning strategies. In addition, the results acquired from the interview revealed that the students have positive attitudes towards the learning activities. Eventually, the results emphasized the role of the teacher in encouraging the active participation of students and also in establishing a pleasant atmosphere in the classroom.


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