Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • The articles should relate to Journal’s aim and scope.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word Document (.doc / .docx) and .pdf document file format.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The articles’ abstracts must be in Thai or French and English of approximately 300 words in length.
  • The articles could be research article, academic article, review article, book review, or translated review article.
  • The articles must be written in Thai or French languages. (If written in French, it should be proof-read by native speakers before submitted.)

Guidelines for submitting articles to be published in the Bulletin De L'ATPF:

1. The articles should relate to the Journal’s aim and scope.

2. The articles could be academic, research, review, book review or translated academic articles. 

3. The articles must be 10-30 pages long with an abstract in Thai or French and English of no more than 300 words, including 3-5 keywords and References Bibliography.

4. The articles should be clearly titled and enclosed with basic information in English and Thai or French: the authors’ name and surname, titles of educational background, workplaces, positions and contact addresses.

5. The articles must be written in Thai or French. (If written in French, it should be proof-read by native speakers before submitted).

6. The articles must not have been previously published or in the process of publication.

7. All articles will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 readers, specialists, in the relevant fields.

8. Hard copies and electronic copies of rejected articles will not be returned to the authors.

9. The publication has been online only since 2019.

10. The authors are required to pay 3,500 bahts each for the readers' evaluation of the articles into the Bangkok Bank account, Bang Lumpoo Branch, of the Association of French Teachers in Thailand. The account no. is 116-013470-4. After the transfer, the authors are required to send the Pay-in-slip by following the process of the submission of the articles. The authors must be informed that once the payment made, in no case can it be refunded.


11. Submitting the articles for publication, the authors are required to send 3 files: the articles (1), the article submission formes (2) and the pay-in-slips (3) (cf. no.10).


Manuscript (In the 2019 format)

1. Page setup

    - Type in single-sided B5, single spaced.

    - Margins

      Top       3.46 cm        Bottom        2.54 cm     

      Left       3.00 cm        Right           2.54 cm

2. Text layout and character formats

    2.1 Content

Text                                Alignment                             Font Style              Font                            Size

Title                               Center                                   Bold                       Browallia New                18

Author (s)                      Center                                  Italic                       Browallia New                14

Affiliation (s)                  Center                                  Normal                   Browallia New                12

Abstract Heading          Center                                   Bold                      Browallia New                14

Abstract Content           Justified                                Normal                   Browallia New                12

1st  Level Heading         Left                                       Bold                       Browallia New                14

2nd Level Heading         Indented                               Bold                       Browallia New                14

Main Text                       Justified                                Normal                   Browallia New                14

Emphasis                       -                                            Bold                       Browallia New                14

Table Content                 -                                           Normal                   Browallia New                12

Notes                              -                                           Italic                       Browallia New                14

Page number                 Center, below                      Normal                   Browallia New                10


      2.2 Tables and illustrations

           Table: Type “Tableau…” (Bold, font size 12), skip on line, followed by the table's name (Regular) above the table on the left. The table must be in the middle of the page.

          Illustrations: Type “Figure…” (Bold, font size 12), followed by the illustration's name (Regular) above at the center of the illustration. 


     2.3 References

           Type the word “Reference” in Thai with Browallia New (Bold  font size 14) at the center of the page. If in French, type "Références bibliographiques" (Bold  font size 14) according to the APA system (American Psychological Association 7th edition) and use the same font style and font size as in the main text.  

(Re APA system, for more information, use link การเขียนบรรณานุกรม รูปแบบ APA 7th (nu.ac.th)


Download Article Template and  Submission Form. Follow the link attached.
