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Burachat Piamsangakul
Ruedeerath Chusanachoti


The research aimed to 1) develop communicative French vocabulary activity package based on Theme-based Learning for upper secondary school students and 2) study the effectiveness of the developed activity package in enhancing students’ French lexical knowledge. The sample of this study was eleventh grade students of a secondary school in Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2 (Bangkok). The research instruments were French lexical knowledge test and communicative French vocabulary activity package based on Theme-based Learning. Data were analyzed by using arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and t-test for dependent sample. The findings revealed that 1) the developed communicative French vocabulary activity package based on Theme-based Learning consisted of 10 activity packages. Each activity package consisted of the teacher handbook, required activities, learning management plan, learning media, exercises, and assessments. 2) It was found that the sample’s French lexical knowledge of the post-test was higher than that of the pre-test with a statistical significance level of .05.


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