An Analysis of Interaction between Protagonists in French Play En attendant Godot of Samuel Beckett

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Parkpoom Jaimeearee


This study aims to analyze the interactions between the protagonists in Samuel Beckett's drama En attendant Godot. The theory of dialogue analysis and discourse analysis were applied; hence, the literary analysis on interactions among protagonists was not employed in this study. The results showed that the language characteristics found in the protagonists’ dialogues included repetitions, grammatical errors, foul language, interruption, uses of language that were not associated with actions, uses of synonymous words, and uses of imperative sentences. The characters’ language characteristics also reflected emotional and psychological conditions of anxiety and instability of events not yet to come.

The study also found that everyday interactions occurred with communicative purposes. Interlocutors were targeting to communicate their needs. The interactions among the protagonists in this play arose from chitchatting dialogues and nonsensical actions. While the protagonist waited for Godot, the protagonists communicated with each other only to kill time and eliminate silence. The conversations did not express clear communicative purposes. The protagonist's words and actions led to what was known as the "absurdity" of communication. The interaction between the protagonists in Samuel Beckett's drama En attendant Godot, thus was considered communication failure.


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พจนานุกรมฉบับราชบัณฑิตยสถาน พ.ศ. 2542. กรุงเทพมหานคร: นานมีบุ๊คส์

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