Metalanguage in a French Classroom observed at Burapha University

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Parkpoom Jaimeearee


Metalinguistique is a linguistic phenomenon that normally occurs when teachers and learners interact in foreign language classes. This can happen at any time throughout the foreign language course. The teachers' utterances are usually primarily focused on explaining the meanings of the words. This research aims to study and analyze roles of metalinguistique used by the teachers to explain the meanings of vocabulary in French classes at Burapha University. From class observations, the researcher found that the teachers used Metalinguistique to explain the meanings of words to learners without necessarily translating them into their native language. This came in four patterns including dénommer, définir, paraphraser, and se référer à une situation. The information used in this research was based on observations from French language instruction at Burapha University. Therefore, the findings could not be applied in French teaching in national levels. The observation was conducted in French instruction in closed classrooms. As a result, additional databases of French language instruction were sought elsewhere so that the use of metalinguistque could be analyzed to explain the meanings of the terms in greater details. The researcher hopes that this research will be able to offer an overview analysis of the use of metalinguistique in French classes to explain the meanings of vocabulary to learners and be beneficial in improving French language teaching in Thailand.




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