A Semantico-Syntactic Study of Copulative Construction in French

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Nichuta Bunkham


This research focuses on the semantic relations and the syntactic structures of the copulative construction in French. The aim of this study is twofold: (1) to classify the types of semantic relations encoded in this construction, i.e., identification, categorization, characterization, and localization (Creissels, 2006) and (2) to investigate the relationship between the types of semantic relations and those of syntactic structures in this construction. In French, the copulative construction contains one of the copulas considered as the nucleus of the sentence, such as être, sembler, paraître, devenir, avoir l'air. Each copula which determines one or more semantic relations is followed by different types of syntagms (nominal syntagm, adjectival syntagm, prepositional syntagm, etc.). Unlike other copulas which are reserved for a specific relation, être applies to all semantic relations. The study is based on data extracted from Little Prince (Saint-Exupéry, 1999). This monolingual literary written corpus consists of 515 occurrences.


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