Effectiveness of Using Role Play to Improve French A2 Speaking Skills for Students in French Programme at Burapha University

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Marut Hantaley


The purposes of this research were 1) to create and measure the effectiveness of learning innovations using according to the efficiency of 70/70 criteria, 2) to find learning progress after using learning innovations through role-playing activities according to the post-learning score of 70 percent, and 3) to study the students’ satisfaction with the use of role playing activities in class. The target group of this research consisted of 49 second-year students, majoring in French for Communication at Burapha University, who enrolled in the course entitled 22622164 French Listening and Speaking for Everyday Use in the first semester of academic year 2023. The research instruments were 1) learning innovation using role-playing activities, 2) French speaking skills tests, and 3) satisfaction questionnaires. The data were analyzed by using percentage, average, standard deviation and One-Sample t-Test. The results of this research were as follows:         1) the learning innovation using role playing activities to improve French speaking skills has efficiency of 70.61/74.46 which is higher than the 70/70 criterion; 2) students have the post-study score of 74.46 percent, which is higher than the 70 percent criteria with statistical significance of .01 level; 3) the satisfaction of the students with using role playing activities in class was overall at a high level.



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