Causal Model of Factors Influencing the Usage Behavior of the Health Application on a Smartphone
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This article aims to investigate the effects of performance expectations, expectations of effort, social influence, facilitation conditions, resistance to change, and intention to use on the behaviors related to the utilization of health applications on smartphones. The study employed a multi-step random sampling method to gather questionnaire data from a sample of 400 individuals residing in the upper northeastern region, covering the provinces of Loei, Nong Khai, Bueng Kan, Nong Bua Lamphu, and Udon Thani. The subsequent analysis included descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis. The model's consistency with empirical data was verified through the path analysis. The relationship between variables is described as follows: 1) The intention to use is directly and positively affected by social influence, facilitation conditions, performance expectations, and expectations of effort. Together, these predictive variables account for 55.00 percent of the variance in the intention to use variable. 2) Usage behavior, is directly and positively affected by the intention to use and indirectly influenced in a positive manner by social influence, facilitation conditions, performance expectations, and expectations of effort. The results of this indirect influence are transmitted through the intention to use, jointly elucidating 76.00 percent of the variance in the usage behavior variables.
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