The satisfaction of tourists in improving Khaosan Road by the Department of Civil affairs, Phranakhon District Office


  • pratchaya sukanta


The satisfaction of tourists, tourist attraction improvement, tourism by local government


The purpose of this research is to study the level of satisfaction of tourists in improving Khaosan Road by the Department of Civil affairs, Phranakhon District Office, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. A hundred tourists who walked on Khaosan Road are samples of this research. The questionnaire is the tool of data collection. This research state as the following issues.

  1. 1. Most of the samples are male, and their ages are between 31-40 years old. Majority of the samples are government and state-owned company agencies, business owners, and company workers. Their monthly salaries are between 10,000-20,000 Baht. Most of the samples have visited Khaosan Road 2-5 times before. They received the information about Khaosan Road from the internet and travel agencies.
  2. 2. The satisfaction of tourists on the improvement of Khaosan Road by the Civil Department, Phranakhon District Office is very high in overall. This research investigates four topics of satisfaction. According to the questionnaire, these four topics can be ranked as 1. The quality of public space 2. The location Routing and walking facilities 3. The physical environment of the road 4. The aesthetic and visual beauty of the road.

                     2.1 The location Routing and walking facilities: The samples satisfy with this topic. Convenience in the passenger’s areas gets the lowest score. In contrast, Suitability of food shops gets the highest score on this topic.     

                   2.2 The physical environment: The samples satisfy with this topic.  The lowest score goes to the width of the walkways, the improvement of shop facade, and the regularity of the stalls on the street.  Contrastingly, usage of the road which changes according to each period of the day gets the highest score. 

                   2.3 Aesthetic and visual beauty of the road: The samples satisfy with this topic. The lowest score goes to the awnings which are different in terms of condition, color, and form.  The billboard and brightness from the street light get the highest score in this topic.

                  2.4 The quality of public space: The samples satisfy with this topic.  The sufficiency of the resting point gets the lowest score while the convenience of the walking route gets highest in this topic. 


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How to Cite

sukanta, pratchaya. (2018). The satisfaction of tourists in improving Khaosan Road by the Department of Civil affairs, Phranakhon District Office. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Loei Rajabhat University, 1(2), 20–32. Retrieved from