The The Curriculum Development of Local Rice Dang Sticky Rice Transform create income Anuban Chaingkhan Pathummasongkrow School Chaingkhan District, Loei Province


  • Idsararat Makhanpan -


ข้าวพันธุ์พื้นเมือง, ข้าวเหนียวแดงเมืองเลย, หลักสูตรท้องถิ่น


The purpose of this research were to develop and to experiment with a curriculum of Local rice Dang sticky rice transform to create income of Anuban Chaingkhan Pathummasongkrow School Chaingkhan District, Loei Province. This research using workshop organization in the topic of the Local curriculum structure and design and organize a course of Local rice Dang sticky rice transform to create income then criticize course by 3 experts and determine the criteria to pass the assessment at 70 percent. The result showed that the curriculum passed 95% of the expert assessment criteria and the 5 learning units included Unit 1: The miracle of Dang sticky rice Mueang Loei, Unit 2: Join to learn about careers, Unit 3: Patumma Na Nuan, Unit 4: Transformed Dang Bamboo Rice, and Unit 5: Khao Chi Daeng Prangrit. After learning through Local rice Dang sticky rice transform to create income curriculum in Anuban Chaingkhan Pathummasongkrow School, Chaingkhan District, Loei Province, the students gained knowledge and skills to develop Local rice varieties processing and able to apply the knowledge to build a career and also develop students to have knowledge and understanding of Local society culture, Local food culture and creating the self-esteem and lifestyle based on sufficiency.


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2023-08-09 — Updated on 2023-08-09


How to Cite

Makhanpan, I. (2023). The The Curriculum Development of Local Rice Dang Sticky Rice Transform create income Anuban Chaingkhan Pathummasongkrow School Chaingkhan District, Loei Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Loei Rajabhat University, 5(2), 44–56. Retrieved from