Knowledge Package Development “Storytelling of Khaoroopchang” to Enhance Learning for Youth of KHAOROOPCHANG Sub-District, MUANG District, SONGKHLA Province.


  • Sadanon Wattatham Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Songkhla Rajabhat University
  • Bunika Chanked Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Songkhla Rajabhat University
  • Sittiporn Sripong Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Songkhla Rajabhat University
  • Chotika Ratichaliyakul Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Songkhla Rajabhat University
  • Worawan Sooksai Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Songkhla Rajabhat University
  • Patcharawadee Agsornpim Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Songkhla Rajabhat University
  • Amonrat Chirandon Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Songkhla Rajabhat University


Knowledge Package, Storytelling, local context, Khaoroopchang, learning for youth


This research was a mixed method that aims to 1) survey the local context of KHAOROOPCHANG Sub-District, MUANG District, SONGKHLA Province, 2) design and create knowledge package “Storytelling of Khaoroopchang”, and 3) verify the suitability of knowledge package “Storytelling of Khaoroopchang”. This research was a documentary, interviews with 5 informants and focus group with 16 people by purposive sampling from the experts, experienced persons, and community philosophers and analyze the information with content analysis. Then, the obtained knowledge package was verified for suitability by a group of 3 academics or experts in writing narrative sets using a specific method, and the results are evaluated to find a consistency index that must be at a value of 0.50 or higher.

         The results revealed that 1) survey the context of KHAOROOPCHANG Sub-District, MUANG District, SONGKHLA Province, consisting of 1.1) the historical side, there was a story about Thuat Lak Kao who traveled to build a pagoda in Nakhon Si Thammarat, and has become a stopover point until becoming a community where people come to live; 1.2) physical and natural resources, this area is a plain and plateau area. Rice paddy plains with Samrong Canal, Khao Thiam Da, and Khao Samrong as its territory; 1.3) way of life and well-being, most of the population are hired, civil service, trade and agriculture; and 1.4) arts, culture, and tourist attractions, it is a community that is native to Southern Thailand and has a variety of tourist attractions. 2) Design and create knowledge package, consists of 2.1) content, it should include information on historical sites, ways of life and tourism activities; and 2.2) knowledge package format, it will be produced in the form of a A5 size book by assuming the characters to be youths to be youths. and choosing age-appropriate language. 3) Verify the suitability of knowledge package, it found that it was appropriate in terms of academic completeness, appropriateness of the method of writing a story, interesting way of telling stories, and the modernity of the content in the broadcast, and must be improved in terms of integrity according to the source of information.


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How to Cite

Wattatham, S., Chanked, B., Sripong, S., Ratichaliyakul, C., Sooksai, W., Agsornpim, P., & Chirandon, A. (2023). Knowledge Package Development “Storytelling of Khaoroopchang” to Enhance Learning for Youth of KHAOROOPCHANG Sub-District, MUANG District, SONGKHLA Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Loei Rajabhat University, 6(1), 32–47. Retrieved from