Location Analysis of Traphang Chang Phueak Sukhothai Province-a Consecrated Water Source at the Coronations of Rama VI - VII


  • Wasawat Netprahas -
  • Sorrawich Khunset
  • Roongnirun Saisuk
  • Phanuwit Woonchum


Traphang Chang Phueak, Sukhothai, Coronation, Consecrated Water Source


           This article aims to scrutinise the location of Traphang Chang Phueak where it had been used as a consecrated water source at the coronations of Rama VI and Rama VII by integrating historical method with geographic approach. The study reveals that the aforementioned source was initially used at the second coronation of Rama VI in 1911 and the coronation of Rama VII in 1925 for the last time. At the coronation of Rama IX, water collection from the reservoir has been suspended because of a drought. The current location of Traphang Chang Phueak is approximately 100 metres away from the southwest of historical sites which is a different part of the pond within the modern Traphang Chang Phueak Temple. This was a consequence of historical artefacts interpretation from archeological excavation from 2019 to 2021. Researchers had analysed the information from documents and aerial photographs combined to obtain the location of Traphang Chang Phueak that is in line with historical evidence.

           At present, the area of Traphang Chang Phueak is considered to be an neglected area and a wasteland overgrown with weeds. Traphang Chang Phueak is a group of reservoirs that are excavated to store water for seasonal use, which is only flooded during the flooding season. In the future, if the area is developed and preserves the pond; it will flourish the information about water management of important irrigation systems in Mueang Sukhothai while maintaining the status of the consecrated water source used in the coronation.


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2023-12-25 — Updated on 2024-01-02


How to Cite

Netprahas, W., Khunset, S., Saisuk, R., & Woonchum, P. (2024). Location Analysis of Traphang Chang Phueak Sukhothai Province-a Consecrated Water Source at the Coronations of Rama VI - VII. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Loei Rajabhat University, 6(1), 75–87. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/husolru/article/view/269531 (Original work published December 25, 2023)