Following in the Footsteps of Buddhadasa Bhikkhu: “The Arahant in My Heart” to Dig for Diamonds in the Tripitaka


  • amnuay Yasyotha Lecturer in the Department of Philosophy and Religion Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Songkhla Rajabhat University
  • Uyarat patsong Lecturer Group, Provincial Police Training Center Region 8


Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, Diamond in the Tripitaka, seagull of self-realization and freedom, Nirvana


This academic paper intends to examine Buddhist teaching principles and follow in the footsteps of Buddhadasa Bhikkhu in his search for diamonds in the Tripitaka. The term “diamond” referes to "Nibbānapacayo Hotu" (nib-pā-na-pad-ja-yo ho-tu), which means “a factor for nirvana, liberating from all sufferings”. In terms of digging for diamonds, Buddhadasa first conducted an intense study of the Tripitaka to sift through and determine which parts of the teachings were “diamonds”. He acted as if he were “a seagull of self-realization and freedom” and sought his own path and fresh manner. The veteran pondered the teachings of the Gotami Sutta, practiced simplicity, contentment, isolation, and diligence, and preferred not to mingle with others. He developed the theory of two languages, human language and Dhamma language, and proposed the Mahapathesa 4 as a basis for determining which teachings were consistent with the suttas and discipline. If they adhered to the principle, they were referred to as "diamonds". However, if they were not compatible, they were not “diamonds”.

The study identified several diamonds in the Tripitaka, including the Four Noble Truths, Assaji mantra, Paticcasamuppada, Tathatā, and Sunyata. Each diamond can take the shape of pariyat, patibat, or patiwet. The Kalama Sutta encompassed both diamonds and diamond mining gear.

The author recommends that those interested in learning Buddhadasa’s concepts and philosophy of education management should use his teaching as a guideline for researching the Dhamma and recognize the courage to stand up for what is right, adhere to his moral principles as if a seagull of self-realization and freedom regardless of being outcasted by others, which is an ideal example for Buddhists.


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How to Cite

Yasyotha , amnuay ., & patsong, U. (2024). Following in the Footsteps of Buddhadasa Bhikkhu: “The Arahant in My Heart” to Dig for Diamonds in the Tripitaka. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Loei Rajabhat University, 6(2), 100–112. Retrieved from