Development of Legislative Measures of Rubber Market for Promoting Rubber Price in Thailand


  • ศุภธัช ศรีวิพัฒน์ Jurisprudence Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Burira Rajabhat University
  • Natthavika Chansri Faculty of Engineering Sriracha Kasetsart University Sriracha Campus
  • Parichat Tengsuwan Faculty of Faculty of Economics at Sriracha Kasetsart University Sriracha Campus
  • Chiraporn Wongsaen Faculty of Faculty of Economics at Sriracha Kasetsart University Sriracha Campus


Legislative measures of rubber market, promoting rubber price stabilization


This research aimed to study Study the factors affecting the decision to buy and sell rubber in the rubber trading market and Develop legal measures for the rubber trading market to promote rubber prices in Thailand. which is the integration of knowledge in economics and law. This research is the integration of knowledge of the economics and law.The in-depthinterview was applied to investigate the effect of decision making of sellers and buyers in the rubber markets. The 156 samples (sellers and buyers in the rubber markets of the RAOT and local markets, and officers of the rubber markets of the RAOT) from six provinces including Songkhla Province, Surat Thani Province Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, Yala Province, Nong Khai Province and Buriram Province where the offices of Songkhla, Suratthani, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Yala, Nongkhai, and Burirum centralmarkets were established, were selected, excepting the offices of Rayong and Chaingrai centralbecause they were established at the end of Year 2563. Next, the focus group wasapplied to develop the legislative measures of rubber market for promoting rubber price inThailand. The 30 samples from farmers’ institutions and rubber enterprise, and the 30 samples from the officers of law were selected.

The results from the in-depth interview show that the factors of decision making of sellers and buyers in the rubber markets are price and diversity of rubber type, transportation,and process. It is related to the development of Rubber Authority of Thailand Regulations on Rubber Market of Rubber Authority of Thailand B.E. 2564 (2021) that the RAOT is applied for managing the rubber market. Moreover, the results from the focus group show that the RAOT should revise the Regulations such as the definition, committee structure, member registration process and membership period, biding method, payment period for buyer, contract for trading, and legal punishment to implement in the rubber market for promoting rubber price stabilization.


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How to Cite

ศรีวิพัฒน์ ศ., Chansri, N., Tengsuwan, P., & Wongsaen, C. (2024). Development of Legislative Measures of Rubber Market for Promoting Rubber Price in Thailand. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Loei Rajabhat University, 6(2), 56–69. Retrieved from