การส่งเสริมคุณธรรม จริยธรรม และค่านิยมที่พึงประสงค์ของนักเรียนโรงเรียนบ้านตูม (นพค.15 กรป.กลางอุปถัมภ์)


  • นางสาววิรัญรัฏฌา รัตโน รัตโน ผู้อำนวยการโรงเรียนบ้านตูม (นพค.15 กรป.กลางอุปถัมภ์)


The overall evaluation of the project to promote morality, ethics and desirable values ​​of students in Ban Tum School (MD. 15, Central Klang Upatham Primary Education) passed the evaluation criteria. In summary, the assessors focus on the conclusion of the evaluation objectives. And present the results of the relevant sections In summary, in order to see the background as follows: The appraiser of the project to promote the moral, ethics and desirable values ​​of students. Ban Tum School (Nor. Kor. Kor. 15, Central Klang Upatham Primary Education), comprising 245 students And most students Accounted for 33.88%, followed by teachers and educational personnel Accounting for 26.94 percent and the basic education institution committee Accounting for 5.30 percent. The evaluation results in various aspects are as follows:

  1. The evaluation of the project to promote the moral, ethics and desirable values ​​of the students in Ban Tum School (No. Kor. Kor. 15, Central Department of Patronage) according to the opinions of teachers and educational personnel and the basic education committee. The overall evaluation result is at a high level (= 4.40). When considering the evaluation results in each aspect, it is found that the highest level is in 2 aspects which are the product output of the project

(= 4.67) and the project context (= 4.57), the evaluation results were in two high levels, ranked from the high mean: In terms of operational process (= 4.42), followed by the input factor of the project (= 3.93)In conclusion, the evaluation of the project to promote the moral, ethics, and desirable values ​​of the students of Ban Tum School (Nor. Nor. 15 Kor Por Klang Foster) overall, passed the assessment criteria set

  1. Evaluation of the context of the project to promote the moral, ethics, and desirable values ​​of students in Ban Tum School (No. Kor. Kor. 15, Central Klang Upatham) found that the highest level of consistency. Which passed the assessment criteria set The item with the highest average value is that the project is consistent with Solving current social problems (= 4.77) followed by the objectives and goals of the project are possible. And the project is suitable for the needs of the learners (= 4.69) respectively, while the lowest mean is that the project is suitable for the role and duty of the school (= 4.30)


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How to Cite

รัตโน น. ร. (2020). การส่งเสริมคุณธรรม จริยธรรม และค่านิยมที่พึงประสงค์ของนักเรียนโรงเรียนบ้านตูม (นพค.15 กรป.กลางอุปถัมภ์). SSKRU Research and Development Journal, 6(1), 58–75. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/sskru-resarch/article/view/243584



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