y of InInformation Literacformation Science Undergraduate Students, Mahasarakham University


  • Juntakan Panleow มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม


Information Science


The objectives of this research were 1) to develop information literacy skills of students in the field
of Information Science based on the Big 6 Skills, and 2) to study using information literacy skills in the development
of information science senior project for undergraduate students in the field of Information Science
of Mahasarakham University. The representative sample is 57 undergraduate students studying in the 3rd
year in the field of Information Science of Mahasarakham University enrolled in the academic year 2017.
The research instrument consisted of 1) Pre-test and Post-test before and after organizing the activities, 2)
the activity to develop information literacy skills based on the Big 6 Skills, 3) the questionnaire in using information
literacy skills in the development of information science senior project, Faculty of Informatics of
Mahasarakham University based on the framework of information literacy standards of Association of College
and Research Library (ACRL) for 5 standards. The statistics for data analysis were percentage, average and
standard deviation. The results of the study were revealed that 1)The test scores before and after organizing
the activities, it found that the students’ average test scores before organizing the activities was 56.20 %.
However, after teaching and learning the various activities, the students’ average test scores increased at
85.15 %. 2) The overall of using of information literacy skills in the development of information science senior
project was at high level. Considering each standard, it found that every standard is at high level. According
to the standard 1: The determines the nature and extent of the information needed, it has the highest mean
at 3.92 and standard 2: The accesses needed information effectively and efficiently, it has the lowest mean
at 3.71.
Keywords: Information Science


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How to Cite

Panleow, . J. . (2020). y of InInformation Literacformation Science Undergraduate Students, Mahasarakham University. SSKRU Research and Development Journal, 7(2), 7–18. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/sskru-resarch/article/view/245189



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