Personnel Development Model for Quality Development Education Service Area Office to 3 Success of Roi-Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2


  • Prasit Satra สำนักงานศึกษาธิการจังหวัดร้อยเอ็ด


Model, Personnel development, quality education service.


The purpose of this research were to a study of the state of awareness, to development a model, to
study the result of using the personnel development model for quality development education service area
office to 3 success of Roi-Et primary educational service area office 2. Research methodology was research
& development, included 3 phases : Phase 1 ; Investigating of state of awareness on quality development
education service area office to 3 success of Roi-Et primary educational service area office 2. Phase 2 ; Constructing
model on development personnel development model for quality development education service
area office to 3 success of Roi-Et primary educational service area office 2 and Phase 3 ; Studying the result
of using personnel development model for quality development education service area office to 3 success
of Roi-Et primary educational service area office 2. Research statistics was frequency, percentage, arithmetic
mean and standard deviation.
Results of the study revealed the following :
1. The stating awareness on quality development education service area office to 3 success of
Roi-Et primary educational service area office 2 was perceived as low lavel .
2. A personnel development model for quality development education service area office to 3
success of Roi-Et primary educational service area office 2 was “SMAE MODEL”, S (Survey) ; M (Means) ; A
: Action and E (Evaluation) of possibility and suitability overall in higher level.
3. The result of using personnel development model for quality development education service
area office to 3 success of Roi-Et primary educational service area office 2 in overall was at the higher level,
in the following aspect discipline /on time aspect top arithmetic mean, service mind and achievement aspect
respectively secondary level. philosophy lift style promotion, student aspect by responsibility, discipline,
sufficiency economy philosophy lift style development and works cultivate for public and school.
Keywords : Model, Personnel development, quality education service.


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How to Cite

Satra, P. . (2020). Personnel Development Model for Quality Development Education Service Area Office to 3 Success of Roi-Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. SSKRU Research and Development Journal, 7(2), 19–30. Retrieved from



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