Participatory action research to develop public policies for the health of local elderly people at Kalasin Province


  • Tawatchai Kahaban Kalasin University


the elderly, public policy development for health, health Advocate, participation


This article is part of  Participatory action research for development of local health public policy for the elderly in local  : case study Tumbon Yodgang,  Amphoe Namon, Kalasin aimed at 1) to study the context and situation of health status of the elderly in the locality; and 2) to study the process and results of public policy development for the elderly health in the locality. Participative using methodology participatory action research The target group for this research were community leaders, people in sub-districts. and the elderly sample There are three research phases, which are the research preparation phase. research process phase and research conclusion phase There are methods for collecting information, such as interviews, group discussions. Observation and group meetings The results of the research were as follows: 1) Context and Situation of the Elderly in Yod Kang Sub-District, there were 865 people, representing 10.36% of the total population. most of them are old 60-70 years old, 69.48 percent. Problems in the elderly are: (1) health, having physical health problems such as movement, vision, hearing, and chronic illnesses such as diabetes and high blood pressure. and mental health problems Concerned and lonely, (2) the economy, which is the main source of income, most are self-reliant; (3) the social aspect, most of them have the highest level of education in primary school and are widowed; and (4) the environment. Some people do not have a permanent place to live. and household toilets are not suitable for the elderly. 2) The process of developing public policies for the health of the elderly with participation in the locality consists of 8 steps: (1) Understanding leaders and analyzing stakeholders; (2) Forming a committee Director and Operations Planning (3) collect information Data analysis and selection of public policy tools (4) to improve the new committee (5) to prepare a public policy draft ( 6 ) to publicize the draft public policy; (7) certifies the public policy; and (8) coordinates the policy to the normal work system of local organizations. 3) The results of the development of public policies for the health of the elderly with participation in the locality are: (1) the emergence of a public policy for the health of the elderly In the local participatory, called the Health Advocate  for the Elderly in Yod Kaeng Sub-District, (2) creating values ​​for the elderly, (3) the community is alert to the problems of the elderly, (4) pushing the statute into the agency's work plan, and (5) Developing the capacity of research teams for local development


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How to Cite

Kahaban, T. (2021). Participatory action research to develop public policies for the health of local elderly people at Kalasin Province . SSKRU Research and Development Journal, 8(2), 27–42. Retrieved from



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