A Study of Beliefs in Naming Shops in Chinese in Mueang District, Lopburi Province


  • Puthep Prapagorn Chinese Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Thepsatri Rajabhat University, Thailand


Name of shops, Chinese, Naming, Belief


The objective of this research is to 1. Investigate the reasons and beliefs behind naming shops and service businesses in the Chinese language in the municipality of Mueang, Lopburi Province. 2. Examine the meaning of shop signs and service businesses in relation to their Thai names. The sample group includes seven general merchandise stores, including those related to the clothing business, and two hotel service businesses. The researchers conducted a literature review and on-site inquiries within the defined scope. The research tools employed included interviews and questionnaire forms. The study findings revealed that: All four shops were named for auspicious reasons, with no information available on the origins of the names for two shops. Additionally, three shops had other reasons for their names. The shop names had similar meanings in both Thai and Chinese, derived from the auspicious names of the shop owners and the significance of the products or services offered.



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How to Cite

Prapagorn, P. (2024). A Study of Beliefs in Naming Shops in Chinese in Mueang District, Lopburi Province. SSKRU Research and Development Journal, 11(1), 53–68. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/sskru-resarch/article/view/271229