People's participation in the management of Khok Pi Khong subdistrict administrative organization Muang Sakaeo district, Sakaeo province

บัญชา ชื่นอุรา * อครเดช อินทร์วิเศษ2 จินดาพร ภู่แสร์3 และเพ็ญศรี ชิตบุตร4


  • บัญชา ชื่นอุรา * อครเดช อินทร์วิเศษ2 จินดาพร ภู่แสร์3 และเพ็ญศรี ชิตบุตร4 มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏวไลยอลงกรณ์ ในพระบรมราชูปถัมภ์


The primary objectives of this research are to investigate and analyse the nature and extent of citizen participation in the administrative activities of the      Khok Pi Khong Subdistrict Administrative Organization (Khok Pi Khong SAO). In order to achieve these objectives, the study employs the method of participant observation. The findings of this study revealed that the involvement of individuals within the local community in the governance of the SAO is characterized by their active engagement in the provision of diverse information pertaining to the development of the subdistrict.        This active participation encompasses activities such as articulating emerging needs or challenges through their locally elected representatives, participating in forums to express their opinions, engaging in formal negotiations with project implementers, and actively participating in the planning processes of the SAO. Meanwhile, the extent of citizen control over the administration of the SAO remains relatively limited. This can be attributed to the prevailing disposition of individuals to demonstrate deference towards government officials, encompassing both permanent officials and political figures. As a consequence, public opinions are predominantly expressed in a manner that closely aligns with the viewpoints espoused by the officials overseeing the respective projects.


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How to Cite

บัญชา ชื่นอุรา * อครเดช อินทร์วิเศษ2 จินดาพร ภู่แสร์3 และเพ็ญศรี ชิตบุตร4. (2023). People’s participation in the management of Khok Pi Khong subdistrict administrative organization Muang Sakaeo district, Sakaeo province: บัญชา ชื่นอุรา * อครเดช อินทร์วิเศษ2 จินดาพร ภู่แสร์3 และเพ็ญศรี ชิตบุตร4. SSKRU Research and Development Journal, 10(2), 11–21. Retrieved from



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