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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • This paper is an original work, has not been published, and is not being considered for publication elsewhere either in printed or electronic form.

  • The "Introduction" section has stated the following:
    - What is the context of the problem?
    - Why is this research important?
    - What are the objectives?
    - Who will benefit? Who will it affect?
    - What has been done so far?
    - What are the contribution/ value added to knowledge fund?
    - What is the structure of the paper?

  • The manuscript is in *.docx format. The file must not more than 10MB. If more than 10MB, the graphs and images (.xls, .jeg, .gif, etc.) must be seperated in anoter files and uploaded as supplementary files (in submission STEP 4).

  • Use MathType program or Equation Editor for typing the symbols and mathematical signs both in the equations and text. Font “Cordia New” 14pt for main symbols and apprpriate sizes for superscripts and subscripts.

  • Use APA (6th edition) for referencing style. See examples in the latest issue.

MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION. The manuscript should be written in either English or Thai. Please utilize Microsoft Word and set the font to 'Cordia New' at 14 pt. It is mandatory to undergo professional language editing before submitting. The manuscript's maximum length should not exceed 15 pages of A4-sized paper, with 1-inch (2.54 cm) margins. The manuscript's structure should include the following sections: title page, introduction, conceptual framework, methods and data, results, discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments, references, and appendices. Depending on the paper's content, alternative structures and headings may be considered.

  • Title Page. The first page of the manuscript should comprise the complete title, affiliations, and e-mail addresses of all the author(s). This includes the name, complete postal address and e-mail address of an author who will be responsible for correspondence and proof correction. On this page, provide an English abstract (and a Thai abstract for Thai manuscripts) ranging from 200 to 250 words. The abstract shall include the study's purpose, methodology/approach, findings, and implications. A rationale for the study or a brief introduction on the significance of an issue can be added as optional. Additionally, include 3 to 5 keywords and 3 to 5 JEL classification codes.
  • Abbreviations and Acronyms. Abbreviations and acronyms should only be used when necessary. When introducing an abbreviation or acronym, provide the full wording first, followed by the abbreviation/acronym in parentheses. The same guideline applies to acronyms as well. However, widely recognized acronyms (e.g., ASEAN, FAO, UNDP, NATO) do not require expansion.
  • Tables and Figures. Tables and figures should be inserted in the text, not at the end of the manuscript. Use font “Cordia New” 12 pt. The table titles and figure captions should be concise, and represent the data contained. Sources of data must be properly cited. Horizontal lines, no vertical lines, should be used in the tables. The details in the figures are clearly visible. Graphs should also be attached in excel file.
  • Illustrations. Photos and images should be sent separately in jpeg file. High resolution photos and images with captions and credits. Permission to publish an illustration must be obtained by the owner before submission, and acknowledgements should be included in the captions.
  • Mathematical Notation and Equations. For mathematical notation and equations, utilize Equation Tools or the MathType program for typesetting. Please employ the 'Cordia New' font with an appropriate size for equations.
  • Acknowledgements. The acknowledgement should not be more than 50 words.
  • References. The article should adhere to APA style (6th edition) for both in-text citations and the reference list. For Thai manuscripts, all references must be cited and listed in English. Please refer to the examples provided in our latest issue. Here are examples of frequently used references:
    • Journal article:

      Adebayo, T. S. (2020). New insights into export-growth nexus: Wavelet and causality approaches. Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting, 15(2), 32-44.

    • Working Paper:

      Bernanke, B., Gertler, M., & Gilchrist, S. (1999). The financial accelerator in a quantitative business cycle framework (NBER Working Paper 6455). Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.

    • Book chapter:

      Ayadi, R., Arbak, E., Naceur, S.B., & Groen, W.P.D. (2015). Determinants of financial development across the Mediterranean. In R. Ayadi, M. Dabrowski, & L. D. Wulf (Eds.), Economic and social development of the southern and eastern Mediterranean countries (pp. 159-181). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

    • Book:

      Todaro, M. P., & Smith, S. C. (2020). Economic development (13th ed.). Lonndon: Pearson.       

  • Appendices. Appendices should be included only when necessary, placed after the references, and numbered using Arabic numerals.
  • Footnotes. Footnotes should be employed only when necessary, positioned at the bottom of the relevant pages and separated from the main text by a short line above the footnote content. Please use the 'Cordia New' font at 12 pt. Footnotes must be sequentially numbered using superscript Arabic numerals.