The Development of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Standards for Milk Collecting Centers

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วินัย พุทธกูล
สุณีรัตน์ เอี่ยมละมัย
สุวรัจน์ หงส์ยันตรชัย
บุญเติม ติระวัฒนประเสริฐ



This research was aimed at the development of GMP Standards, evaluation tools, and human resource to help support the promotion and implementation of GMP in Milk Collecting Centers.(MCCs.) The research activities included 3 tasks: (1) the development of GMP standards and checklist for MCC,(2) the enhancement of GMP capability of MCC employees, and (3) the survey of MCC?s current GMP standard level. The research produced 3 outputs. The first output is the GMP checklist. The checklist was divided into 7 sections, 24 subsections, and 548 check items. The second output was a training of 113 MCC employees to enhance their GMP knowledge and their ability to apply the GMP checklist and its manual to their own situations. The third output was the findings from GMP survey of a sample of 82 MCCs. The average GMP score of the sample was found to be slightly low at only 43.91 percent. The result of this study has led to a set of recommendations which are characterized by 6 missions for systematic development of GMP of MCCs.

Keywords: GMP Standards, GMP Checklist, Milk Collecting Center.

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How to Cite
พุทธกูล ว., เอี่ยมละมัย ส., หงส์ยันตรชัย ส., & ติระวัฒนประเสริฐ บ. (2013). The Development of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Standards for Milk Collecting Centers. Asian Journal of Applied Economics, 13(2), 45–59. Retrieved from
Research Articles