The Influence of Economic Development and Government Investment on Pro-Environmental Behavior in China

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Mengqi Ma
Naziatul Aziah Mohd Radzi
Yixin Liu
Normaizatul Akma Saidi


China’s pollution problem continues to worsen because of the nation’s rapid economic expansion. To improve the environment, governments need to allocate resources to environmental initiatives, enforce regulations, and facilitate collaboration in environmental management with public participation. This study analyzes the differences in Chinese public participation in environmental protection between the private and public spheres using the Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS) 2021.  Multiple regression is employed to investigate the factors influencing Chinese pro-environmental behavior and to explore the connection between pro-environmental behavior, government investment, and economicdev elopment. The research shows that economic development has a favorable impact on pro-environmental behavior in the private sector. Government work effectiveness positively influences pro-environmental behavior, whereas government pollution governance in the public realm adversely impacts it. Economic development influences government pollution governance and the public’s pro-environmental behavior. Various elements, such as individual characteristics, the external environment, and social psychological components, have different levels of impact on the public’s pro-environmental behavior. The results will enhance understanding of Chinese environmental behaviors, enabling the creation of more effective policies to boost public participation and improve environmental management in China.

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Ma, M., Mohd Radzi, N. A. ., Liu, Y., & Saidi, N. A. (2024). The Influence of Economic Development and Government Investment on Pro-Environmental Behavior in China . Asian Journal of Applied Economics, 31(1), 58–80. retrieved from
Research Articles


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