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ประภัสสร วรปรางกุล


This research aims to study characteristics of Sao Mai dance. The research employs documentary reviews, interviews, observation and practice the dance with Master Buariaw Rattanamaneeporn and at Chiangmai Dance College.

   The result indicates that there are three characteristics of Sao Mai dance. Firstly, in its dance movements, the characteristics of the dance lies in hands’ movement, especially in four movements. The movements of Sao Mai dance derived from three sources which are Thai dance, Northern Thai dance and movement from silk (Mai) production. Sao Mai dance uses hand the most. The body and the feet move slow, gently and continuously with the music. There are four dance patterns attributing to the characteristics of Sao Mai dance. There are also 19 movements being adapted from the process of silk production. Secondly, in terms of costume, Sao Mai dancers wear long-sleeve shirt, plain dress and a piece of cloth on their shoulder like the traditional Northern folk costume. Thirdly, in terms of music, Sao Mai dance performs with local Northern music band. Their music plays in medium tempo. Sao Mai dance is a unique dance with smooth, gentle and harmony movements. The dance reflects life style and culture of silk production in the Northern part of Thailand.


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Performing arts


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