The Study of Music Instruction for String Instruments A Case Study: Scholarship Students at Sarasas Witaed Bangbon School

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อัญชลี สิริวงษ์สุวรรณ


This qualitative research aims to study the teaching process, problems and obstacles of teaching string musical instrument for scholarship students in English-Music Program at Sarasas Witaed Bangbon School. The research explores 5 aspects: 1) curriculum 2) teachers and students 3) learning process management and extra-curricular activities 4) media instruments and places 5) measurements and evaluations. The research methods are 1) literature reviews 2) semi-structured interviews 3) participating observation. The key informants include three school executives, four teachers and 12 students in senior high school, grade 10-12.

            The results find that most of the teachers graduated in music bachelor’s degree and experienced teaching for 7-14 years. All students have no knowledge in music. The teaching is divided into small groups or private class to focus on individual students’ development. There are extra-curriculum activities for the students to show their skills every year. The school provides teaching media and good-quality musical instrument for all students. The classroom are divided according to the type of instruments. There are assessment and evaluation of students’ skills throughout the academic year based on criterion basis. Problems and obstacles of the teaching is that the teachers maybe too flexible with the course which affect the students’s enthusiasm in learning and practices. The class is scheduled for students to study together resulting in less time for each student to learn from the teacher. Importantly, there is no opportunity for student to attend the concert, which can create the student’s inspiration. The quality of classrooms is not acceptable. The music classroom are not soundproof, narrow and insufficient,  The assessment is graded by one teacher bringing the question of standard assessment criteria.

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