The virtual world of youth with gaming disorder

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Pattarapon koedprang


In these days, gaming disorder in children and teenagers occurs owing to their brain being addicted to the chemical that mediates pleasure. This chemical stimulates them to keep doing the same pleasurable activity over and over. Youth is vulnerable to gaming disorder since their brain development is still immature especially the part which functions the impulse control and reasoning. Gaming disorder in children and teenagers adversely affects their education and family relationship. It is because they tend to socially isolate and lock themselves in the virtual world of games. High challenging competition and strong bloody violence in the virtual world that gradually preach children and teenagers make them addicted to the brutal act of violence. Consequently, when any situation happens in real life, they are likely to use physical aggression to solve problems as seen in the news that these aggressions lead to fights causing injury even death.

From the problem mentioned above, the artist was inspired to create a series of artworks imitating the virtual world of youth with gaming disorder. To raise awareness of this crucial situation, the artworks reflect the problem that needs to be solved by all involved sectors. The theory of Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis was analyzed to find out the problem source. These mixed-media sculptures picture the state of gaming disorder in a satirical and sarcastic way via the forms which the artist directly experiences. Yet, the artist has been trapped in the fantasy world, also known as “the virtual world” – a safe place for the artist to escape from reality.

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Visual arts


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