Interpretation from Isan proverbs to the creative of contemporary sculpture.

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Prasit Wichaya


These sculptures are inspired by ancient Isan proverbs, in particular ones with clear imagery and analogy of comparing one thing to another. The proverb  depicts characters who are respected and known for their good deeds and moral standings. However, in confronting even the slightest of temptations, they lose control against such temptation, leading to bad decisions and eventual moral wrongdoing. The proverbs inspire an interpretation of sculptural shapes evoking senses of loss of balance and misconduct, resulting in ruin of what was perceived to be a perfect life. The familiar icons, such as human shapes and objects that may or may not be relevant to each other, are assembled to express stories, events, emotions and attitude of the creator. The value of the sculptures lie in the beauty of the shapes, materials, assembly of the pieces, the relation of art to life, and presentation of sculptures losing balance to recreate a society regaining its balance. This is a case study to inspire self-reflection, understanding - of oneself and others alike, and respect of other cultures, which I believe will bring about a peaceful society.

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Visual arts


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