Lifestyle fashion merchandises design by the fabric printing pattern design development from Lao Song fabric pattern.

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สุวิธธ์ สาดสังข์


Lifestyle fashion merchandises design by the fabric printing pattern design development from Lao Song fabric pattern is an empowering for pattern design, creating from the Lao Song group of Suphan Buri province, with outstanding and appealing identity worthy to be conserved and passing on the next generation to maintain and be more recognized. Lifestyle fashion merchandises of Lao Song group of Suphan Buri province are currently are released as the additional products with simple and plain design. From surveying community leader in field study, the author had implemented these issues from the interview in creating products and modify the merchandises to meet various fashion utilities over the time with following objectives; 1. to develop the fabric pattern from Lao Song textile, and 2. to apply the fabric pattern from Lao Song textile in creating lifestyle fashion merchandises.

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