Tuenta Pornmuttawarong Guidelines for Designing Printed Fabrics from Dharma Principles

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เตือนตา พรมุตตาวรงค์
Suwit Sadsunk


This research was conducted in the form of a qualitative research aiming to acknowledge on design guidelines and elements on shapes, colors, and techniques for designing patterns of printed fabrics based inspired by Dharma Principles by studying on teachings, practices, and results in Thai Buddhism. Data were collected from related documents, interview, and observation for analyzing. The results revealed that important teachings and practices of Buddhism were “tranquility and introspection (Samata and Vipassana)”, i.e., always pay attention to something with reasonable condition for gaining “wisdom” based on the natural principle which “body” is foundation and gaining peacefulness and freedom from all regulations. This concept was mixed with active design to create printed fabrics with patterns inspired by contemporary Buddhist Dharma Principles.

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