The creative contemporary street dance “Teow Petch”

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สรร ถวัลย์วงศ์ศรี
Thanapon Samtangkrum


This research article is part of Thesis on the topic "The creation of contemporary street dance, Teow Petch " aims to Creating contemporary street dance based on pantomime characters There are methods for conducting qualitative research. Focusing on the study and analysis of how to design and create performances by drawing inspiration from the characters of Monkey Teow Phet. To adapt to the street dance dance to create communication with the audience in the contemporary social era Researchers choose to use research tools, including Researching documents, textbooks Interviews with professionals and other stakeholders Experience of the researcher as an actor As well as presentations And summarize the research results

The research results were found that Creating contemporary street dance by bringing the identity of  Teow Phet characters To adapt to the street dance dance Causing the researcher to design the show by separating it into the elements of the show as follows: Plotting Casting Music and lyric design Performance design Costume design With a blend of traditional Thai dance It is well suited to a contemporary event that focuses on the form of street dance. The integration of the two types of performing arts together. And also encourages the expression to communicate emotions And the feelings of characters with contemporary audiences to understand their uniqueness And know more about Monkey Teow Phet characters However, this contemporary performance is different from traditional Thai dance performances. The researcher does not intend to destroy But it is to search for ways to extend the performing arts of Thailand to maintain the contemporary social era as far as

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Performing arts


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