Management of Arts and culture learning center: 
A case study of Seubsan lanna school, Wat wachirathamsatit.

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ปาลิกา อินทนันชัย


This research aimed to study the management of cultural learning resources and how to develop cultural studies at the Seubsan Lanna School, Wat Wachirathamsatit Worawihan in Bangkok, Thailand. Qualitative and quantitative research were used, with data collected by questionnaire and in-depth interviews. Samples were three groups of stakeholders in cultural management learning resources: 1) community- related management and personnel; 2) educators. 3) users. 

            Results revealed four key elements of cultural learning resource management: 1) sustainable structure and management; 2) internal and external community participation; 3) culture resource preservation; and 4) cultural learning resource management services.

            These findings suggest that to develop cultural art studies at the Seubsan Lanna School, Wat Wachirathamsatit Worawihan, financial planning and budget analysis should be done, including clearly documented budget planning and financial transactions. Additional budget should be sought for use in operational management. Using cultural resources to educate people about Lanna arts and culture should include developing a system to store user information, learning resources, and database for publicizing news to those potentially interested in the Lanna arts and culture.

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Performing arts


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