The creating of multimedia sound by Nuendo

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This article is intended to explain the process of creating audio for mixed media by Nuendo. This article introduces how to create a multimedia sound between video and audio. A various settings in the program, cutting, editing, Using effect process to the desired image sound effects by Nuendo. This article concluded that in audio work, should be used Audio Interface with Nuendo to creating work for better sound and more quality. Audio editing is important too. Nuendo can working for a sound recording, audio editing. Which users can use Nuendo to create a movie sound effects. Including a work of music and advertise, various sound effects for multimedia as well. Nuendo is also capable of exporting videos. But it also has a limitation, it can be exported as .mp4 codec H.264, audio output at 16 bits, 44.1 kHz and 16bits. 48 kHz Image size at 1920x1080px (Full HD) only.

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