The Creative Performance : King Taksin the Great’s Guard Soldiers

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Chut Suwanbenjank


The purpose of the study was to create the performance “King Taksin the Great’s Guard Soldiers"  The study was a qualitative research. The data were collected from the documents about the history of King Taksin the Great and his guard soldiers’ bravery, the martial art, in-depth interview and focus group from the martial art experts and the Thai theatrical luminaries. 

               The results of the study were King Taksin the Great had four guard soldiers. They were Phraya Phichai, Phra Chiang-ngoen, Luang Phromsena and Moen Ratchasaneha. Their characters were different. The components of the performance used for this creativity were : 1) music and 6 songs : PhlengKraowklang, PhlengYondap, PhlengKhamensudchai, Singto, Sarathi and PhlengCnangprasan-nga.  2) the costumes and  3) the props. The martial art dance and Thai theatrical dance were combined by the songs. The lyrics presented the characters of King Taksin the Great’s Guard Soldiers.

               The performance was divided in three parts. The first part was Prachumphonphachonsuk or Soldiers Gathering. It showed soldiers’ strength and the abilities of using the weapons in Ayutthaya period. The second part was Sihanhukkhiangracha or 4 Guard Soldiers. It showed King Taksin the Great’s Guard Soldiers’ strength and their abilities of using the weapons. The last part was Yokyothabithaphan or Fighting the Enemies. It showed King Taksin the Great’s guard soldiers who sacrificed their lives for their King and their nation. Because of their bravery, they had been known as King Taksin the Great’s Guard Soldiers.             

            This creative performance, King Taksin the Great’s guard soldiers would be shown to honor their bravery for the specific occasion and for the general shows.

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Performing arts


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