Online Music Graded Exam: Case Study Trinity College London

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Sirima Panapinun
Thassanai Phensit
Yutakorns Sarikkaganon
Pramot Teangtrong


This article discusses the Trinity College London music graded exam in an online format because in the current global situation where the Covid-19 pandemic has occurred, it is not possible to run the exam in its original form. As a result, the institution needs to adapt the exam format to an online exam. This makes the conduct of the exams continuous without the need to stop midway through. The structure of the online music graded exam may be summarized as follows: 1) 3 Exam Pieces 2) Exercise Pieces and Scale 3) Instrumental Presentations, and Concentration 4) Understanding of Music.

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ศิริพร มีพรบูชา. การพัฒนาการจัดการเรียนการสอนแบบออนไลน์โดยใช้ระบบห้องเรียนออนไลน์ Google Classroom ชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่
