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sansern sangkhadithi
Chaturong Louhapensang
Suthasini Bureekhampun


The objectives of this research were to 1) study the identity of Mon culture, 2) survey the audience opinion before design and, 3) study and design patterns from the identity of Mon culture. The population and research samples were the Mon community informant group who expert in Mon culture from Phra Padaeng district, Samut Prakarn province. Purposive sampling was used in this study; 3 people who experience in Mon culture and 99 general public who live in Phra Padaeng district, Samut Prakarn province-using Convenience Selection.The research tools were Semi-structured interview forms and opinion questionnaires of the target group with product-type needs.

The result found that the identity of Phra Padaeng Mon culture for architectural works; permanent and temporary design- patterns cannot be used in design-limitations in the matter of inappropriateness. In terms of cultural identity, traditions, arts and crafts, rituals, beliefs and lifestyles, patterns can be used in design and color combinations but only need to consider the suitability and nature of the work. From the pre-design survey of the target group found that contemporary products that required from the application of Mon cultural identity are home decoration products. What required in contemporary products are conservation, continuation, promotion of tourism and marketing, as well as factors affecting product purchase-the most in terms of utility and beauty. In addition, the study and design patterns from Mon cultural identity found that patterns which combined geometrical shapes by using computer design technology are distinguished by its shape and structure, resulting in a new pattern.

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