Creating learning motivations Media. The story of Hermit Exercise (Wat Pho) in the form of kiosks Motion illustrations with AR system through the application.

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Panuwad Kalip


The Evaluation was based on This research creates learning motivations Media. The story of Hermit Exercise (Wat Pho) in kiosks Motion illustrations with AR system through the application. The purposes of this project were: development and design media promote learning, perception, and communication of art in technology. Moreover, continue the cultural arts, including supporting tourism to increase income. From the study and research, find design guidelines that summarize the characteristics of the design work, namely the characteristics of contemporary art illustrations, and use the colors in the Thai tone color scheme. By taking the characteristics of the area, the identity of Wat Phra Chetuphon Wimon Mangklaram (Wat Pho), as architecture, sculpture, and mural painting This research resulted from the design of 2 prototypes of illustration media. Both illustrations can be animated via the AR with the Artivive application, and the prototype design works. Kiosk in the area of ​​1.2 x 3 m, amount of 1 prototype.      

The research population consisted of designers, design students, tourists, and others. The sample selection was purposive. In total, there were 100 participants in this research. Research tools were questionnaires, which were divided into two-part parts as follows: 1) Motion illustrations Design with AR  2) Kiosk Media Design

The research concluded that the satisfaction rates of Prototype Design learning motivations Media. The story of Hermit Exercise (Wat Pho) in kiosks Motion illustrations with the AR system. This result can be interpreted that the design works were accomplished in terms of communication and well can show the content's image and identity. The results of these questionnaires assessment. The next step was conclusion, analysis, and discussion, respectively. The statistics used in this research were mean, percentage and the standard deviation.

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