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Chukiat Ananwettayanon
Kittisan Sriruksa
Teerayut Pengchai


This research aimed to 1) study the development of Thai Phuan woven fabric in Thailand, 2) study the identity of wisdom of Thai Phuan about Jok woven fabric in Had Siew, Sukhothai, 3) design product from the identity of wisdom of Thai Phuan about Jok woven fabric in Had Siew, Sukhothai. The researcher conducted qualitative and quantitative research that aimed to study the history and development of Thai Phuan woven fabric from the past to the present in various areas that have been grouped together to form Thai Phuan Club of Thailand from 23 provinces. Data collected was analyzed, screened the persistence of handicraft identity in terms of pattern, color, material and production process. Then bring the identity found in the fabric handicrafts of Thai Phuan woven fabric pass through the seminal process to obtain raw materials for synthesizing information into product design.  

The study found that areas where there are 9 woven fabric handicraft groups in 9 provinces currently gathering to produce fabric handicraft that are their identity for sale. When analyzing the functional structure theory, it found that there were both similarities and differences among each group. In all groups, there was a fabric woven group of the Thai Phuan of Ban Had Siew, Sukhothai that still maintains the identity of the wisdom of woven fabric in term of pattern, color, material, and production method. The most noticeable product is Teen Jok woven fabric of Thai Phuan, Had Siew. This identity was analyzed and reproduced the symbol of the fabric patterns which contains 9 main patterns and 10 patchwork patterns.   The raw material of the reproduction of the fabric pattern is in the Icon Idex and Symbol level. When analyzed according to aesthetic theory, there are four sets of meanings, namely the set of virtue, beauty, love, and oneness. Then take the information are synthesized through the design and development process into 4 sets of home interior products, 2 pieces per set, a total of 8 pieces in order to create a prototype product through consultation and selected models by experts. The aim is to assess the satisfaction in the pattern and the use of home furnishing products from the identity and wisdom of fabric handicrafts, 8 pieces of Thai Phuan Jok woven fabric from the target group. The result of the evaluation showed that all 4 sets of products had the overall level of satisfaction at a high level.

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