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Kang Zhou
Chanoknart Mayusoh
Pisit Puntien


This study seeks to enhance the living spaces of elderly individuals by examining their specific needs and employing effective interior design strategies in Jiujiang City, China. The research encompasses 300 independently living men and women aged 60 and above, residing in their own homes in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, China. The study also considers the actual specifications and relevant documentation of their current residences. Employing a descriptive analysis approach, targeted audience questionnaires, and qualitative research methods, the collected data is thoroughly analyzed.

              The findings indicate that, in interior design interventions, priority should be given to barrier-free accessibility in all indoor spaces, ensuring personal safety. Design solutions should align the functional characteristics of each indoor space with the elderly's needs and preferences to truly address their requirements. Where possible, major changes to the familiar environment of the elderly's permanent residences should be avoided, preserving their existing habits. Instead, the focus should be on adding age-friendly facilities and selectively modifying local structures and spaces that directly impact their lives. This approach can effectively enhance their living spaces, ultimately improving their overall quality of life.

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