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สุวิธธ์ สาดสังข์
Patcha U-Tiswannakul


This research aims to study the creation of hemp textile innovation using BCG Model. From the textile study, hemp is an interesting economic plant in Thailand and it has cultivation development to support free trade which tends to grow in the global market, then hemp can be developed into various types. A researcher has studied the creation of hemp textile innovation by combining it with Hmong wisdom which 100 percent of the Hmong area is cultivation and production for hemp in Thailand, natural dyeing from mountain plants with BCG Model, textile weaving from local material in handicrafts, and has determined the guideline of textile development from recommendations of textile development experts, then analyzed it to create interesting hemp textiles and respond to the innovation development of hemp textile with BCG Model.  The process is three natural fibers which came from environmentally friendly production will be combined with the textile structure to develop its qualification such as the combination of hemp fiber which has durability, strength, UV and bacteria resistance for 60%, and Tencel which is environmentally friendly viscose fiber to make it shiny and cool sensation for 20% and Filagen, an innovative fiber for skin care, it is an innovative rayon viscose that extracts collagen into fibers for 20% to make it soft, smell non-absorbent, UV protection and provide moisture sensation.    Using natural and innovative fiber to develop with hemp fiber will create textile structures from the wisdom in terms of industrial handicrafts that express beautifulness and proper qualification to use. In addition, the amount of hemp proportion differs from the general textile market, which uses only a small amount of hemp. Therefore, the creation of hemp textile development in Thailand can be expanded and responded to the country’s strategic approach in terms of research and sustainable innovation in all aspects. Value added in hemp fiber is the BCG concept which is accepted and globally well-known regarding career creation, knowledge sharing on fiber structure and fiber combination technique, twisting technique, weaving and knitting technique to create fabric structure that responds to usage, beautifulness, durable fiber, soft and breathable fabric and uses natural color to dye fiber that causes the least impact on the environment. Moreover, such textiles can be developed into commercial products in the fashion and lifestyle market and increasing the chance of competition and export to the global market and making the reputation of hemp fiber to be well-known and sustainable development both in industrial textile and wisdom.


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