Project management The use of vetiver for the development of vetiver grass products internationally according to the royal initiative
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The main objective of this research is to follow the royal initiative on soil and water conservation. by focusing on the utilization of vetiver grass which has managed the knowledge of utilization of vetiver in the design and development of products left over from cultivation. and knowledge assessment product model and forms of educational activities By managing the body of knowledge, the researcher uses community skills as a basis for product development so that the community can model by themselves. such as design skills material selection Processing vetiver grass into paper and taking the paper from the vetiver leaves to test printing which is a body of knowledge that comes from research from giving knowledge The researcher has designed and developed various types of bags and miscellaneous products. The use of vetiver leaf paper increases commercial value. which allows the community to see a variety of products to understand the development of products As for the assessment of the researcher, it is divided into 3 areas: 2. Product development from vetiver leaves 3. In terms of organizing knowledge transfer activities The evaluation results in all three areas were at a very good level. which is in accordance with the objectives that the researcher has set
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