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Namwhan Darawan
Nataporn Rattanachaiwong


Lakorn Pantang is a form of drama which combines stories and performaning arts from other nations with Thai performances. The study of signs in foreign characters in Lakorn Pantang would reveal the portrayal of foreignness in the perspective of the creator and the transmission of those meanings to the audience. The purpose of this research was to analyze the signs in Nang Laweng character that appears in Lakorn Pantang. Three episodes of Lakorn Pantang in which Nang Laweng was the main character were studied namely Phra Aphai Kiao Nang Laweng (2005), Phra Aphai Manee Kiao Nang Laweng (2015) and Leh Laweng (2019) as well as interviews with people involved in the creation. The results of the study revealed that the signs that appeared in Nang Laweng characters were divided into 1. The signs that represented race, appearing in clothes, costumes, dances, music and set. 2. Signs that represents the queen status demonstrating in clothes, costumes and set and 3. Signs that represents a warrior, displaying in clothes, costumes, music and set. Signs representing races are icon sign created based on the original costumes of the British King and Queen. The most significant difference used of signs were seen in the stage set, that is, there were set with no sign at all, iconic forest set and symbolic set.

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Performing arts


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