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Research on “The Creation of Visual Arts Work Was Influenced by Color of Nature By Metta Suwanasorn, Sannarong Singhaseni, Supachai Sukkechote” with the objectives to Create works of visual art inspired by the colors of nature. which expresses the beauty of nature in different technical dimensions as well as presenting guidelines for interpreting the artistic process that is creative according to aptitude artist's interest Metta Suwannasorn creates works with technique embroidery with an electric carpet gun, Sannarong Singhaseni, watercolor technique on paper. Supachai Sukkeechot, 3D sculpture technique with a unique 3D pen.
The creation of the work found that embroidering with an electric carpet gun by Metta Suwanasorn, the creator of the technique of carpet embroidery with an electric gun that can embroider fibers freely and quickly. To make it special by taking inspiration from the colors of nature but cutting down on reality and presenting it in an abstract art way. is to embroider the carpet to make the fibers blend the colors until they come together Mixing colors with the iris is like a work of impressionism in the light that emphasizes the diffusion of colors throughout the image to create a new form of beauty that is harmonious. It is a beautiful color on the art tapestry. Artist Sannarong Sinhaseni was inspired by the bright colors in nature such as flowers and leaves of different types, which have similar and opposite color pairs according to the natural color cycle theory as a starting point for creating a painting. abstract using the wet-overlay-wet watercolor technique (Wet-into-wet), with wetness absorbing into each other, both intentionally and unintentionally. Let the shapes and stories arise naturally in the watercolor. Artist Supachai Sukkeechot creates sculptures using the 3D Pen technique by creating the shape of a tiger from plastic lines. with the outline of the plastic and the floor as a flat image on the side Add a surface similar to the method of forming pottery with a curling line. Shape the outer face of the tiger one by one into a three-dimensional shape. Then polish the surface with a heated soldering iron to melt the surface together to close the hole smoothly. This technique can be adapted to shape other sculptures. From the above, this research is a collection of knowledge in art inspired by the colors in nature. and disseminating prototype works to those who are interested in art for the benefit of origin, concepts, techniques, and aesthetics.
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