Brand Equity Influencing the Parent’s Intention on Sending Their Children to Study at Anubanmaryniramon School Chanthaburi

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Karisa Hansaphan
Suchada Pongkittiwiboon


The purpose of this research is to examine the brand equity of Anubanmaryniramon School in Chanthaburi and the related factors that influence the parent’s intention on sending their children to study at the school. The sample consists of the parents of one-to-three-year-old children living in Muang District, Makham District, and Laem Sing District which are the targeted service areas of the school. The data were collected from 400 participants, in addition to distributing the questionnaire through an online channel and asking the parents of the school’s students who live in those three districts to pass the questionnaire on to their neighbours who meet the criteria. The statistics used to analyse the data are frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis.           

The research found that 1) the brand equity of Anubanmaryniramon School in Chanthaburi, comprised of four dimensions - brand identity, brand meaning, brand response, and brand relationship - is high on average in the eyes of the parents of one-to-three-year-old children. By responding to brand response with the highest average, followed by brand relationship, brand meaning and brand identity respectively. 2) Based on the four dimensions of the brand equity which are brand identity, brand meaning, brand response, and brand relationship, the variation in the parent’s intention to send their children to study at Anubanmaryniramon School in Chanthaburi is statistically significant. The consideration of each dimension separately reveals that brand relationship and brand response have an impact on the parent’s intention to send their children to study at Anubanmaryniramon School in Chanthaburi with statistical significance level of  0.01.

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Research Article
Author Biographies

Karisa Hansaphan, -

Studying M.C.A. (Communication Arts), Burapha University.

Suchada Pongkittiwiboon

Ph.D. (Communication Arts), Chulalongkorn University (2009), Currently is Associate Professor of Communication Arts, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Burapha University.


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